Cheese cake..
Is what I made for the boys at work to eat tomorrow.
Yup.. I'm nice like that.. I don't know why I like to make food for them. I totally think it makes me feel needed, wanted, appreciated
Yup I totally have no clue.
I've NEVER made cheese cake before, and I have to say.. it looks pretty damn good actually. I'm hoping it goes down a treat.
I can't believe tomorrow is FRIDAY.
That's insane, where did the time go..
My doggies.. Molly & Max will be leaving tomorrow night.
My brother and his partner settled on there house today, and start moving in tomorrow. AH... Max is MY dog technically, but he is so attached to Molly.. He was so distraught when my mum died.. Molly really brought him back to life.
As much as I will miss him, I know he is still only 5 minutes away.. And I'm doing whats best for HIM.. Not just what makes me feel better...
I can't separate them..
Molly is my cuddly little princess.. she is my brothers partners dog.. I will miss her bucket loads..she is such a lap dog, but she is really fiery and has a lot of spirit. Again, whats keeping me going is knowing they'll be close.
I'm exhausted, I woke up at 5:00AM today.. I've had too much caffine.. But I'm gonna try and sleep.
Goodnight everyone
I’m Back!
5 years ago
Here from ICLW. :) Love the pictures of your dogs! So cute. I wish you the very best in your journey sweetie. (((HUGS)))
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